
Monday, September 26, 2005


finally!! yes! i finally got a bike! haha to all mappies thanks for your years of prayers yar... haha like since i was 18 till now i always wanted a bike! hehe.. woohoo! its making its arrival to my home tml afternoon!

anyway from end of oct for two weeks i'll alone at home! my parents are going to thailand for two weeks.. i can't go cause i'm sort of still in NS though i am clearing my leave but i still have my medical appointments and other admin stuff to settle.. as well as church commitments.. so next time!

well first of all wanna thank God for protecting my dad!! cause a few days ago while he was going to work and crossing the road.. a car almost bang unto my dad as my dad was being blocked by a stationary car and the oncoming car couldn't see him.. thus just by a mere fraction of a few centimetres my dad escaped being paralyse or worst death... i thank the good good God for protecting my dad with His divine protection... thank God..

well the past two days have been at home resting.. its a long time since i last had such a rest at home..

and thank God for providing a bassist for the speedlight music team! and also an acoustic guitarist.. hehe.. maybe i can sort of return back to the choir.. miss them! haha.. felt a little apart from them.. i really thank God that the whole team is slowly picking up now.. the choir is getting more zealous in praising God and the music team is bonding better.. but still alot alot more areas to improve on for the glory of God.. well the guitarist is slowly getting overcrowded.. two electric guitarist, one bassist, and going to be three acoustic guitarist soon.. Ooo.. however was toking to bryne regarding the guitarists.. felt that we need to come together to discuss on how to play a particular together and not everyone just reading the score and whacking.. last sunday prac was a little bit too loud.. probably cause too many guitarist.. hehe.. but i thank GOd for the signs He's shown to us.. and i thank God for the pple who came to join the choir too! conducted a choir audition with Joe.. was thinking.. if i were to go thru another audition i would definately be nervous man.. reminded me of my audition too.. Johnson and terence and i think karen were there to audit.. hehe.. me, sharon and celeste went thru it.. nerve wreaking man.. anyway... praise the Lord for the numbers! i pray that the choir will continue to grow in numbers and spiritually and crazy!! hehe..


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