
Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Return of Dougie!

Woohoo! I'm back in blogging! haha.. so i'm might be posting pictures soon! well its been a long while since my last post.. but what perfect timing than this to post this blog to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
This year end is really crazy! packed with literally many stuff to do! The Speedlight tier, Hunger camp, SPD Worship Teams, 3 year end events! and i haven't got the time to buy Christmas presents yet! BUt God has been good.. miracles happen and His blessings were simply amazing.. 

To all my division members, i would really like to apologize for not being able to come and visit you guys at the Step Out Camp last week.. but my spirit and mind is always with you all! 

OKie hope to post more often! This blog is revived!!